Diverse Personal Training
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Diverse Personal Training takes a weight neutral approach and focuses on healthy behaviours. Reminding all of her clients that exercise is a celebration of what your body CAN do, Natasha supports and trains her clients to be more confident as they increase their strength, cardiovascular endurance and joint range on their individual paths, and doesn’t measure weight loss as a health outcome, but measures function, pain reduction and physiological changes.
Natasha has over 6 years of allied health experience; currently working one day per week as a scoliosis orthotist, Natasha has a thorough understanding of spinal pathologies. Prior to this, she worked in Sydney as a senior orthotist in the cerebral palsy team making ankle foot orthosis, splints and supports to assist her clients walking, function and movement. Working at Royal North Shore Hospital and Sydney Children’s Hospital, Natasha met wonderful and inspiring people with cerebral palsy, scoliosis, orthopaedic conditions, brain and musculoskeletal injuries. Many would express their frustration in being included in exercise programs because people didn’t understand their conditions, and more importantly their STRENGTHS. As a personal trainer, Natasha endeavors to work alongside allied health professionals and medical specialists and uses her allied health background to provide her clients with a unique, safe and understanding environment in which they can achieve their fitness and well-being goals.
Natasha is currently studying her Masters in Public health at Melbourne University where she is learning how to create healthy populations through programs, schemes like the NDIS, how to promote healthy behaviours and reduce health inequalities.
Natasha is passionate about getting everyone moving in their own way, to improve their health and well-being.
Natasha sees clients in Keilor and Mornington and is largely based outdoors in public spaces but is open to home visits.